Duplicate files or simply older or obsolete versions of files are not always that easy to locate and remove without help. Fast Duplicate File Finder performs thorough searches using the most sophisticated algorithms to help you find and manage duplicate files, detecting even those dupes whose different names may lead you to think that they’re totally different images or documents.
With Fast Duplicate File Finder you decide how inquisitive you want the program to be. Its main interface offers you various scan methods, from detecting only those files that are clearly a hundred percent equal (same size, same name, size extension, etc.) to those that are similar enough to look suspicious. You can define the percentage of similarity that you find acceptable and exclude those with a different extension altogether. Note that the more flexible the scan method is, the slower the search process will be.
Once the scan is over, the program will display all the suspect files found. To speed things up – especially when hundreds or thousands of group files are involved – you can give the program some guidance on which files to check and which don’t at the time of displaying the results. This “autocheck” option is certainly useful, as it will allow you to discard or remove large amounts of files with just one click instead of checking all pairs or larger groups of candidate files one by one. You can tell the program to autocheck files with a certain extension, file size, date, or files containing certain characters or words. You can apply a similar set of conditions to certain files or folders that you may want to leave out of the scan process.
If you prefer to check some of them manually, the program offers you a useful color code to determine at first sight which files have a higher level of similarity than others. You are also offered to handy file viewer, most suitable to check candidate images.
All of these features and some more are only available in the program’s Professional version. The freeware version that they offer as your first option has been severely deprived of most of the features and functions that make this tool worth using. You can always use the free version as a trial to help you get the hang of its functionality and its look and feel, but do not expect the program to solve any serious duplicate problem before acquiring the corresponding license.
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